40 Fundamentals For Living The FAMOUS Way
At Famous, our Purpose is "To build meaningful relationships for life", and we strive to fulfill that Purpose every day. Our Five Core Values - Family, Trust, Communication, Teamwork and Continuous Improvement - guide our actions and transcend generations. But what do these values look like in practice? The 40 Fundamentals that follow provide the answer. They describe the daily behaviors that define our culture and bring our Core Values to life.

1. Do The Right Thing, Always.
Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing in every action you take and in every decision you make, especially when no one’s looking. Always tell the truth. If you make a mistake, own up to it, genuinely apologize, and make it right.

2. Execute The Perfect Order.
Provide an exceptional customer experience by striving for perfection every time, all the time. Be relentless about every detail up and down the supply chain. Demonstrate a passion for excellence. Always ask yourself, “Is this my best work?” The goal is to get things right, not simply just to get them done. Accuracy is always the priority over speed.

3. Personalize Our Purpose.
Build meaningful relationships for life by investing quality time to get to know your fellow associates, customers, and suppliers on a deeper and more personal level. Knowing more about them, their families, their work, their interests, and their aspirations is important to our long-term success.

4. Deliver Memorable Service The Famous Way.
It’s all about the customer experience. Do the little things, by focusing on the details, as well as the big things, that make someone’s day. Create extraordinary experiences they’ll tell others about. Do the unexpected.

5. Be A Fanatic About Response Time.
People expect us to respond to their questions and concerns quickly, whether it’s in person, on the phone, or by e-mail. This includes simply acknowledging that we received the request and we’re “on it,” as well as keeping those involved continuously updated on the status of outstanding issues.

6. See It, Own It, Solve It, Do It.
Take personal responsibility for making things happen. Respond to every situation with a can do attitude, rather than explaining why it can’t be done. Be resourceful and show initiative. Always stay above the line.

7. Collaborate.
Work as a real team. Collaborate with each other, our customers and our partners to find the best solutions. Don’t argue over who is right. Discuss what is right. Collaboration generates better ideas than individuals working alone.

8. Honor Commitments.
There’s no better way to earn people’s trust than to be true to your word. Do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it. This includes being on time for all phone calls, meetings, and promises. If a commitment can’t be fulfilled, notify others immediately and agree upon a new timeframe to be honored.

9. Get Clear On Expectations.
Create clarity and avoid misunderstandings by discussing expectations upfront. Establish mutually understood objectives and timelines for all projects, action items, and commitments. Set expectations for others and ask when you're not clear on what they expect from you.

10. Listen Generously And With Patience.
Listening is more than simply “not speaking.” Be present and engaged. Give people your undivided attention by quieting the noise in your head, limiting distractions, and stopping the desire to multi-task. Truly appreciate other perspectives. Above all, listen to understand.

11. Speak Straight.
Express yourself honestly in a way that moves the action forward. Be clear and direct, but thoughtful. Bring the water cooler to the meeting and have the courage to ask questions, share ideas, or raise issues that may cause conflict when it’s necessary for team success. Address issues directly with those who are involved or affected.

12. Go Above And Beyond.
Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job . . . plus a little bit more. Take the next step to solve the problem. Go the extra mile, even if it means doing something that’s not your specific role. It’s that extra effort that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.

13. Have Each Others’ Backs.
No one’s perfect. Look for the best in each other and provide rigorous support, including honest and direct feedback. Be willing to step into another role or help another associate when that’s what’s required for success.

14. Be Humble.
Don’t let your own ego get in the way of doing what’s best for the team. Be open to learning from others, no matter what role they have, and regardless of their age, industry, experience, or years with the company. Everyone has something he/she can teach us, and everyone’s perspective has value.

15. Walk In Others’ Shoes.
Understand both your internal and external customers’ world. Appreciate their challenges and frustrations. Think from their perspective. The better you understand them, the more effectively you can anticipate and meet their needs.

16. Practice Blameless Problem-Solving.
Apply your creativity and enthusiasm to developing solutions, rather than pointing fingers and dwelling on problems. Identify lessons learned and use those teachable/ learnable moments to improve our processes so we don’t make the same error again. Get smarter with every mistake. Learn from every experience.

17. Deliver Results.
While we appreciate effort, we recognize, reward and celebrate results. Follow-up on everything and take responsibility to ensure tasks get completed. Set high goals, use measurements to track your progress, and hold yourself accountable for achieving those results. The scoreboard represents our true performance.

18. Be Positive.
You have the power to choose your attitude. Choose to be joyful, optimistic, and enthusiastic. Work from the assumption that people are good, fair, and honest, and that the intent behind their actions is positive. Give them the benefit of the doubt; and if mistakes are made, practice forgiveness. Remember that your attitude is contagious. Spread optimism and positive energy.

19. Create A Great Impression.
Every communication, whether it’s face to face, a phone call, e-mail, letter, or even a voicemail, makes an impression. Pay attention to every interaction to make sure that you’re displaying a tone of friendliness, warmth, helpfulness, and authenticity. Be a pro in everything you do, including how you present yourself.

20. Be A Mentor.
Take responsibility, both formally and informally, to coach, guide, teach, and mentor others. The best way to influence others is through your own example. Walk the talk.

21. Communicate To Be Understood.
Know your audience. Write and speak in a way that they can understand. Be brief, accurate, and clear. Use the simplest possible explanations.

22. “Bring It” Every Day.
Everyone is needed and everyone’s important. Be present and be fully engaged. Make the most of each moment by approaching every task with energy, focus, purpose, and enthusiasm. Be all in.

23. Think And Act Like An Owner.
We share in our success. Make decisions by reminding yourself, “This is my company and my own money.” Think globally about Famous Enterprises, not just about you, your department, your branch, district, or group. Ask yourself, “Will this help all of us succeed?”

24. Embrace Change.
What got us here is not always the same as what will take us to the next level. Be inspired by the opportunities that change brings, rather than stubbornly holding on to the old ways of doing things. Be flexible and open to new approaches, whether it’s technology or a new process to improve efficiency.

25. Be Relentless About Continuous Improvement.
Regularly reevaluate every aspect of your role to find ways to improve. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a valid response. Find new and innovative ways to get things done better, faster, and more efficiently.

26. Work With A Sense Of Urgency.
Work as quickly and productively as possible, but never sacrifice quality or safety. Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be completed today. Deal with it now. Act decisively. Hustle. Get stuff done.

27. Share The Why.
Before others can understand what to do or how to do it, they must first understand why. Explain the big picture. The more people understand the reason for what we’re doing, the more actively they can participate in the solution.

28. Think Safe. Work Safe.
Know and practice the safety procedures for your job. Watch out for the safety of your teammates as well, for we’re all part of the Famous Family. Never take shortcuts that compromise your safety or that of your teammates.

29. Be An Expert.
Our customers expect us to not only offer quality products, services, and solutions, but also to be technical experts. Take the time to learn everything you can. Ask questions and do research to make yourself an expert. Be a lifelong learner and take ownership for your personal development.

30. Practice Transparency.
With appropriate respect for confidentiality, share information freely. Learn to ask yourself, “Who else needs to know this?” The more people know, the better we can collaborate, and the better we can serve our customers.

31. Be Obsessive About Organization.
Quality work flows from a clean and organized work place. Make sure your work area, and our facility are safe, clean, and orderly. For every minute you spend organizing and planning, an hour is earned.

32. Show An Attitude Of Gratitude.
Recognizing people doing things right is more effective than pointing out when they do things wrong. Focus on people’s strengths and regularly extend meaningful acknowledgement and appreciation – in all directions throughout our company.

33. Always Remember That We’re A Family.
Our relationships go deeper than simply being associates at work. We genuinely care for and about each other. Whether it’s a kind word during a tough stretch, a friendly smile each morning, or a helping hand in stressful times, show your compassion.

34. Maintain A Healthy Work/Life Balance.
Take care of yourself at home and at work. The healthier you are, the more you’ll thrive personally and professionally. Balance your time between work, family life, community activities, physical fitness, and emotional/spiritual development.

35. Don’t Judge. Get The Facts.
Don’t make assumptions. There’s usually more to the story than it first appears. Gather the facts before jumping to conclusions or making judgments. Be curious about what other information might give you a more complete picture.

36. Practice Human Connection.
Listen for, and pay attention to, the unique things that make people special. Use handwritten notes, personal cards, and timely encounters or phone calls to acknowledge them, and to show your appreciation for them. Show people you care about them as individuals, rather than as transactions.

37. Be Process-Oriented.
World-class organizations are built on a foundation of highly effective, repeatable systems and processes. Work to create processes for every aspect of your role, and then turn those processes into habits to achieve efficient and consistent results.

38. Treasure, Protect, And Promote Our Reputation.
We’re all responsible for, and benefit from, the Famous brand and reputation. Be a brand ambassador and always put your best foot forward. Consider how your actions affect our collective reputation, and act in a way that brings honor to us all.

39. Be In The Gray Zone.
Not everything in life and work is black and white. Though we have policies and procedures, you often need to be in the gray zone, where guidelines and guiding principles are more important than following a rule. While making sure everything you do is ethical and legal, use your judgment and common sense when making decisions. If you’re unsure how to handle something, talk about it with a coworker or manager and collaborate to determine the best course of action.

40. Keep Things Fun.
Remember that the world has bigger problems than the daily challenges that make up our work. Stuff happens. Keep perspective. Don’t take things personally or take yourself too seriously. Laugh every day and enjoy the journey we’re on together.