April 2025 Training Schedule

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More classes available at our Western PA Expo on April 10! View Details.

Date Start-End Time Class Instructor State # CEUs
Tues., April 1, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am Selling More by Offering Financing Bill Hall 870591 2
Tues., April 1, 2025 10:30am - 12:30pm Basic Air Conditioning Start-Up Jeff Rosenblum 870562 2
Tues., April 1, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm Plumbing Problems Cliff Hartley 870606 1
Tues., April 1, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm Fixtures, Faucets & Fittings Cliff Hartley 870471 1
Tues., April 15, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am Flat Rate Pricing for Demand Service Bill Hall 870524 2
Tues., April 15, 2025 10:30am - 12:30pm Geo Thermal Basics Jeff Rosenblum 870623 2
Tues., April 15, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm Hydronic Innovations Technology Greg Kinkopf 870650 2
Tues., April 22, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am Understanding Circulators Part 1 Greg Kinkopf 870664 1
Tues., April 22, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am Understanding Circulators Part 2 Greg Kinkopf 870665 1
Tues., April 22, 2025 11:00am - 1:00pm Generator Overview Installation/Service Jeff Rosenblum 870428 2
Tues., April 28, 2025 8:00am - 9:00am Increasing Speed & Accuracy in Refrigerant Recovery Jeff Hutton 870687 1
Tues., April 28, 2025 9:30am - 10:30am Smoke & CO Detection Devices Chris Woods 870634 1
Tues., April 28, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm When You Fail A Plumbing Inspection Cliff Hartley 870600 1

How To Register

Famous University classes are all conducted online, via Zoom video conferencing, for those needing CEU credit hours.

To register for Famous University classes, complete this form: 
Class Registration Form
With questions, please email [email protected].

Provide the REQUIRED information when registering: Name, Company, Email Address, Phone Number, License Number, and License Type
(ie. HV, PL, HY, EL, RE)

  • If you need City of Pittsburgh CEUs, you must notify us at the time of registration. You will be emailed a certificate upon completion.

Attendance is limited to 99 attendees per class. Please register early to save your spot. Regluar Famous University class rates apply.


  • Computer with a camera and speakers
  • DSL or Broadband Internet Service
  • Valid e-mail address to sign in to Zoom

NOTE: If multiple people are using one computer, everyone wishing to gain CEU hours must be on screen and visible to the proctor.


  • You must click the link at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the class. If you are not in the class within 5 mintes of the start time you will not be admitted, NO EXCEPTIONS!

What Makes Us Different

Earn CEUs to renew your license at your convenience with Famous University, Famous’s Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) and Plumbing trade related continuing education program.

Famous University is an approved, State of Ohio, provider of HVAC and Plumbing educational classes.

All Famous University Continuing Education classes are also City of Pittsburgh approved. In order to secure City of Pittsburgh credits you must furnish a signed certificate of completion to the city, showing the date, class title, and credit hours.

Famous Supply supports and encourages professionals working in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry by providing advanced NATE-certified training. Many courses are State of Ohio certified and NATE certified upon request. To receive NATE certification, please fill out the form and submit it to your instructor.

Unlimited free training including State of Ohio CEU and NATE certified classes to make you and your company the experts that your customers trust and rely on. Stay on top of ever-changing products, industry trends, building codes, and troubleshooting best practices. Special 3rd party classes are discounted with the VIP Membership, but a fee still applies.


  • Small Company (1-7 employees) Unlimited courses (1 person/year) add on additional employee option. 
    $299 1st person, $50 per additional person, $649 max
  • Large Company (8+ employees) Unlimited courses plus 1 on-site classes $699 

Enrollment Form