34. Maintain A Healthy Work/Life Balance.
Take care of yourself at home and at work. The healthier you are, the more you’ll thrive personally and professionally. Balance your time between work, family life, community activities, physical fitness, and emotional/spiritual development.
Jeanie's Message:
Remember the good ole days when you teeter tottered, juggled, learned to ride a bike, or danced with your dad on his shoes? What do they all have in common? It’s a balancing act and we are so proud and happy when we actually do it!
Growing up in a large Italian family made it difficult to balance my needs and wants with six older siblings. However, when I set goals for myself, the outcome was always positive. As an adult, one of the most rewarding goals I set was to run a marathon. This required balancing my work and training schedules with healthy eating, and at age 33 I completed the Columbus Marathon. 20 + years later, this accomplishment still gives me great pride.
Think about your priorities, or maybe what is missing in your life. It could be family, a hobby, exercise, travel, reading, or taking a class for personal, spiritual or professional development. Find a way to incorporate those things that bring you joy and happiness into your daily life. Commit to taking time for those things and you will find a happy work/life balance.
Famous supports balance by re-enforcing that our families always come first. Without a happy home life, there won’t be a happy work life. Encourage those you work with and interact with daily to find and maintain balance in their lives, because our company leadership and ownership supports it. Being balanced and happy is not only good for us as individuals but good for the overall performance of the company.
A few people come to mind when I think of this fundamental and that would be Judy Noll and Shelly Briselli. They both are committed to Famous, but also pride themselves on taking vacations with their families and loved ones. This travel keeps them connected to those that are most important to them. It allows them to recharge their “batteries” and gives them something to always be looking forward to. They are also very positive and kind people.
Happy balancing, and go out and ride that unicycle.
Jeanie Cuda
District Credit Manager