33. Always Remember That We’re A Family.
Our relationships go deeper than simply being associates at work. We genuinely care for and about each other. Whether it’s a kind word during a tough stretch, a friendly smile each morning, or a helping hand in stressful times, show your compassion.
Lisa's Message:
The associates at Famous Supply are a group of more than 700 incredible people who come from diverse backgrounds. Many are completely different from one another. A lot of us have grown up with totally different traditions from one another and live in homes that have diverse rules and varied styles. While these very differences have helped to define the culture in the environment that we spend most of our time in, it is the very thing that has brought us together and shaped us into one very special large extended family. Always remember that as a group, we are a family that supports one another, listens intently to one another, respects one another and shares the same passion to continually strive to be better together. Thank you for being a part of my Famous Family.
Who at Famous embraces this fundamental? The Multi-Family and Studio33 teams gets my shout out for making me feel like family from the first day!
Thank you,
Lisa Terman
Showroom Manager