32. Show An Attitude Of Gratitude.
Recognizing people doing things right is more effective than pointing out when they do things wrong. Focus on people’s strengths and regularly extend meaningful acknowledgement and appreciation – in all directions throughout our company.
Bryan's Message:
I may be showing my age but over the years I have noticed a lack of gratitude in customer service within business in general. The power of a simple “Thank You” has been lost over the years as business has become faster and more digital. I worked through college as a bicycle mechanic and salesman, and the job taught me the value of customer service from a business and customer perspective. We dealt with customers each day that needed repairs or advice on a purchase. After helping a customer we always thanked them for their business which kept our customers coming back for service and products. That gratitude established a relationship and trust with our customers.
In our business at Famous, we not only have external customers that we should show our gratitude for the business that they give to us each day, but we also have internal customers that we serve and should show our gratitude for helping us with our roles. I am certain that each of us work with fellow associates that help us to accomplish our work each day. From those associates that support one another in operations and customer deliveries to inside and outside sales associates that team up to service our customers, we are thankful for the teams that we have formed at Famous to assist our customers and grow our business.
Take time today to think about those fellow associates that help you at Famous and thank them for the work that they do to help you in your role, assist customers with their orders, grow our business and make Famous a better company. Famous should be an organization where our customers, both external and internal, hear our gratitude for the business that we share.