22. “Bring It” Every Day.
Everyone is needed and everyone’s important. Be present and be fully engaged. Make the most of each moment by approaching every task with energy, focus, purpose, and enthusiasm. Be all in.
Sam's Message:
I’m going to start with some blunt honesty – I’m not a morning person! I barely cope with the English language in its simplest form before my first cup of coffee. When I come into the office at 8am every morning, I want to hit the ground running (even though I’m essentially a drone running on muscle memory). The world isn’t going to wait for me to wake up and get it together.
To help me “Bring It Every Day”, I make a to-do list of everything that needs to be accomplished tomorrow at the end of each work day. Then, I come in the next day, grab my coffee, and try to get through as much as I can by 10 AM. I challenge myself every day to see how much I can get done. Some days are leaner than others, but by 10 AM, I’m fully present and ready to tackle the rest of my responsibilities, and then some.
Someone who brings it every day is Kayli Bookman. It doesn’t matter what she has on her plate; she attacks it with a smile and a spring in her step, humming and singing the whole way. Jo Dangel from the Akron Canton Regional Food Bank said once, “Work will get done when it finds someone willing to do it,” and I remember that quote when I think about this week’s fundamental.
Our customers start their day early and their customers expect results. We have to “Bring It Everyday” to help them get their job done.
Sam Wysocki
Marketing Specialist