1. Do The Right Thing, Always.


Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to doing the right thing in every action you take and in every decision you make, especially when no one’s looking. Always tell the truth. If you make a mistake, own up to it, genuinely apologize, and make it right.

Christine’s Message:


Integrity, honesty, and discernment are all words that come to mind when I think of doing the right thing. I’m genuinely honored by the team at the CSC, who allow me to witness them working with integrity, being honorable in their actions, showing discernment with decisions, and doing the right thing…always on a regular basis.

One way I value our team is how the individuals own his/her clock in/out error – like something as simple as forgetting to clock out for lunch. There are many days, as team players, that our associates work through lunch. However, there are also times when someone simply forgets to clock out. A simple act of communication to say “I forgot to clock out, would you please adjust my time?” shows me that our team has integrity and is doing the right thing.

Also, the generosity and willingness our team lives this fundamental is evident by the help offered in taking out the trash, vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen or the bathrooms are other examples of the helping hands that are simply doing the right thing. These people don’t know the expression: “that’s not my job,” they merely know that something needs to be done and jump in to do it without expectation of anything in return.

In the words of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is: “It takes less time to do a thing right, than it does to explain why you did it wrong.”  

Thank YOU for taking the time to do things right!