2024 Famous Holiday Coloring Contest


Contest Details:

Join our Annual Holiday Coloring Contest for kids, ages 12-and-under, who are related to either a Famous Supply Associate or Customer. The contest is divided into three age groups: 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Each age group will have first, second, and third-place winners for both Associates and Customers, meaning a total of six prizes will be awarded. Winners will be notified by mail, and their first names will be listed with a picture of their submitted artwork on famous-supply.com. Remember, each child can submit one entry only.

Thank you to our co-sponsors:

Hurry and send your Holiday masterpiece to Famous Enterprises by December 31, 2024.

To submit a PHYSICAL ENTRY, send via intercompany mail or mail to:
Famous Enterprises
Attn: Coloring Contest
2620 Ridgewood Road
Akron, OH 44313

To submit a DIGITAL ENTRY, email a scanned copy or send a photo to:
Subject: Coloring Contest

Coloring Contest Entry Form